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A member registered Mar 24, 2018

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(1 edit)

Honestly, this just really struck home. The feelings of inadequacy and insecurity when you have two other (in this case, implicitly) romantic partners who you feel deserve better than you just. Hit, for me, greatly. Not to mention the fact that it just so happens i have a rat fursona.

TToTGS, TLiaB and this game have all been of great comfort to me as of late, and It's been a short, but sweet journey from Parsnip all the way to here. 

I know you probably have moved onto other stuff by now, but I want to say - Genuinely, thank you for making these games.  They've been a great comfort as I'm newly 19 and struggling to navigate school, lesbianism and my own transition. 

I think from now on, these three lesbians will hold a special place within my heart.

my good friend have you ever played hit rhythm game taiko no tatsujin

hot monsters

Really cool! I enjoy.

(1 edit)

Hey, what programming language/game engine is this made in? Just curious, this game has honestly inspired me quite a bit. Thank you.

overall it's a good demo. i do have a few criticisms - first, the reticle not spinning felt weird, personally. Also wish there was a way to adjust the brightness. The silencer was also sorta lackluster. other than that though, i really enjoyed this and can't wait for the full game.

Aye is it possible to view the first ever version of the game somehow? I like playing earlier versions of games sometimes, seeing how they were upon developement/release.